Agrei Consulting Migrates 30,000+ users from Google Apps using BitTitanMarch 17th, 2016 by web |
Agrei Consulting Migrates Google Apps using BitTitan
KIRKLAND, Wash. – March 15, 2016 – BitTitan, the leader in cloud services enablement, today releases a case study documenting how their partner, Agrei Consulting Video Case Study, onboarded 40,000 mailboxes from Google Apps to Office 365 in a mere four weekends. The project, for a large global conglomerate, also included migration of 40,000 OneDrive accounts from Google Docs and almost 70,000 personal archives from Google Vault. The total amount of data moved to Microsoft’s cloud platform topped 750 terabytes.
“To be honest with you, we doubted we could do it,” said Israel Heskiel, founder and CEO of Agrei
Four Pillars of Small Business Technology SuccessFebruary 9th, 2015 by web |
Most small business don’t have time to focus on their critical IT needs. Despite the fact that having the right systems in place will help fuel their growth and enable their future success, small business owners are stretched too thin to make the time to get their small business technology systems and infrastructure in order.
Consulting companies like Agrei Consulting, partner with small business technology owners to help them focus on the core elements needed for a solid IT foundation. Once the solid foundation is established, companies can easily grow and expand their IT as their business grows.
Every small business needs to have the following four foundational systems in place in